Lent reflections.


Hello all!
I hope Lent is going well for you. We are into the 3rd week of Lent and continue to trek along to get closer to Christ. Fish sandwiches seem to be all the rage on Fridays, haha.

But you want to hear some hard honesty?
I’ve been sucking at Lent lately.

I originally had planned on many different goals to do during Lent this year. I was going to give up soda, read scripture every day, and go to adoration once a day. Well… let’s just say that hasn’t stuck with me. But I have been fasting on the Fridays like we are suppose to.

This fasting and sacrificing for Lent has got me thinking. We have people within the Catholic community who give up trivial things like sugar, soda (like myself), or junk food. And while this sacrifice is a good way to show devotion and love towards God it made me think… is this really what Lent is about?

While I haven’t yet made any real personal commitment to sacrifice or dedication to God quite yet, I am thinking deeper on the meaning of Lent. It is a time to retreat from the world and really dive into the junk drawer of our sins. How are we going to clean out that junk drawer before Jesus arrives on Easter Sunday? I deeply desire to do something truly meaningful and life changing this lent… but I want to make sure that I am doing them for the right reasons. It’s never too late to start. Even after Lent we can continue to sacrifice our worldly pleasures for the Lord.

Next week I am off to Denver to attend a discernment retreat. I am very excited and eager to see how religious life live their day to day lives! While right now I’m not leaning towards religious life I am still open to it. I’m excited to see where God directs my attention and I pray that I will be open enough to see His will pull me. I hope that if God exposes His will to you that you respond with peace and joy!

If today you hear His voice, harden not your heart.
Til then. God bless!

– Carleigh

In A Funk: How confession helped set me free.


So for the whole month of December I have been pretty much in a religious, Catholic funk.
I don’t want to blame my decisions on events that have happened to me (because everything that is a choice is within my control) but the month of December just kind of… sucked, to be honest.

Let me start off by saying that my grandmother of 75 years passed away earlier this month. I was extremely close to her. She died of ALS, which many people know of because of the ice bucket challenges going on this past summer. She wasn’t confirmed in this disease until October and then it just… hit her body like a ton of bricks. And once she passed away I just lost the motivation to go to Mass… and then that spiraled into not having the desire to go to confession along with many other mortal sins that I decided to commit.

I pretty much just took God for granted (which pains me to realize and type out).
I missed several Sunday masses, the Immaculate Conception, and the Nativity of the Lord. I pretty much skipped out on all of advent and Jesus’s birthday. How lame.

But yesterday I finally decided to get off my lazy butt and head over the confession. Lucky for me, I have a beautiful church right down the street from me and they were having reconciliation during my work break.
It was the oddest thing. I had my list all prepared for my confession (because I always forget sins that I committed once I get in there) and when I walked into the church a since of nervousness came over me. I almost decided to postpone it AGAIN. But I made myself go in there because I knew that I needed to be reunited with God. I am nothing without Him.

One thing I usually do during confession is sit in front of the priest. I don’t know why, but I’ve always done it. But this time I decided to stay behind the screen and the confession was just very natural. Once I was done, an overwhelming sense of peace came over me and even now I still feel it. I still feel the holy spirit within me and it’s a wonderful gift that I wish I hadn’t taken for granted. I wish I would’ve went to confession sooner.

I had a priest tell me once that when you go to confession God smiles. Isn’t that crazy?! The Creator of the Universe SMILES because you confess your sins and ask for forgiveness. I had forgotten those words that Father had told me and when I walked out of the confessional yesterday. I could feel the Lord’s happiness within my soul. When I went to receive the Eucharist tonight it was just… amazing. It’s hard to put into words how God makes you feel, ya know?

I’m not really sure what message I’m trying to convey here, because I just decided to sit down and write. But I hope it says something to you regardless. Please don’t be shy about going to confession. Don’t think you’re not good enough for Jesus because he’s waiting for you at the tabernacle. There is no sin that you could commit that would make Him love you any less. Please don’t bask in your selfishness like I did, because it only pulls you further away from heaven and our Lord. Or maybe you’re wondering why you should even go to confession in the first place? Here is an Catholic.com article for you!

On a light note: guess where I’m headed in two days? SEEK2015 in Nashville, TN! I’m EXTREMELY excited about it! It’s a conference put on by FOCUS, Fellowship of Catholic University Students, and student have the opportunity to listen to major catholic speakers. We’ll all get to have mass together, adoration, and it’ll just be one big catholic bowl of awesome. I can’t wait. I’m eager to listen to Scott Hahn speak because that man is my home boy, haha.
Let me know if you’re going as well! Maybe we can say hello or something.

Til then! God bless!

– Carleigh

Catholic Communication: Speaking with God


Hello all! It’s been awhile, hm?

Here at home the winter has been getting a little bit chilly and school is starting to wrap up for the semester (thank goodness!). So I’ve been a bit busy!

I just wanted to quickly write up something that’s been on my mind recently…
How do you know when you’re actually communicating with God?

This question has puzzled my mind since becoming Catholic. Actually it wracked my brain when I was agnostic as well. I’ve always had trouble figuring out how to really talk and listen to God. However, I think I’ve finally got it figured it out…to some extent.

But what does scripture and the saints say?
St.John says that we know all things through the Holy Spirit. “But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.” And St.Paul says that God enters our very thoughts. “Not that we are sufficient to think anything of ourselves, as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God.”

God inspires our will without us even realizing it. I’ve come to notice that God speaks to me through my thoughts and desires. Granted, God will not speak evil to you. So if you are having evil thoughts… that’s definitely not God talking to you. But many are not aware that God speaks to them because they simply aren’t listening.

Notice I’ve italicized the word listening twice already? It’s important.

The way we speak to God can be through many different ways. Just simply talking to Him while alone is what I tend to do. I have formal prayer, but while I’m driving I like to mull over the happenings in my day and hash it all out with God. He’ll listen. He LOVES listening to us! However, with that in mind, we should be returning the favor. No relationship deeply develops if just one person is doing all the talking, right?
In order to fully connect with our Lord we need to listen. Be silent in prayer and just let God speak to you. This doesn’t come easy as first; I remember having so many thoughts jumbled in my head I couldn’t imagine how the heck God was going to squeeze Himself into that mess. But with practice it’ll come. Just ask the the Holy Spirit to help you and slowly that relationship will deepen. Just don’t expect to come to you quickly. It takes sweet and precious time.

This article from Catholic Exchange is a wonderful resource and goes further indepth about the topic: http://catholicexchange.com/how-to-hear-god-speaking-to-you

With Advent beginning within a couple of weeks I challenge you to draw closer to God! I promise He won’t lead you astray.

Til then! God bless!

– Carleigh

Curse of a lukewarm Catholic.


I think the sin I grapple with the most is being lukewarm.
I’m pleased to know it’s nothing to deal with sexuality…but a sin is a sin regardless.

I have been lukewarm ever since I was first introduced to the concept of God. Even when I was a self-proclaimed unbaptized protestant I was lukewarm. I would believe and be passionate about God for about 3 months and then that desire would suddenly fall off the face of the earth.

It’s terrible.

But first of all, what is a lukewarm Catholic?

They go the church out of habit and don’t understand why.
They typically don’t pray (guilty!)
They don’t see a problem with missing mass.
Don’t stick up for their faith when confronted.
They mortally sin, or have no clue what a mortal is actually is.
Usually have beliefs that flow alongside with the world and not what the Church teaches.

I, personally, am terrible when it comes to daily prayer. It’s something I just typically don’t think about from my day to day. When I do realize I haven’t hardly prayed I feel terrible because I know I’ve neglected the Lord! Prayer is the only way to become closer to God, if that is what you desire. Going to mass is what is going to kick start that fire.
Often I pray to God to set me ablaze with passion so that my flame can kickstart others as well.

“I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.” – Revelation 3:15 

Yep. It’s not a good thing. Nobody wants to be ‘spewed’ from anything.

So if you’re reading this and having the same problem; it’s a sign! It’s a sign to get up and off your computer and say a quick prayer. Jesus loves ANY kind of prayer because he desires to deeply to talk to you. He wants to be connected to you in all ways. And if you worry that you’ll never get out of this funk; don’t worry. Whatever you ask God with good intention you’ll receive in a way that God has planned for you! Go to adoration if you can. I swear you won’t forget it!

Til then. God bless!

– Carleigh

Catholic Memes Thursday!


Hello hello! Hope everyone is doing splendid on this Thursday night!
I thought it’d be fun to post up some Catholic memes for you guys so you could have a chuckle. Everyone needs a good laugh before the weekend starts, right?!

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"Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you, Reprove a wise man and he will love you."

“Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you,
Reprove a wise man and he will love you.”



This one made me laugh SO hard!

This one made me laugh SO hard!

Til then! God bless!

– Carleigh

Target’s new commercial: Lesbians having a baby?


I was roaming YouTube today and was about to watch a video when a commercial for Target popped up before the actual video. It stirred me up enough to instantly want to sit down and type up a response because EVERYTHING about this commercial contradicts itself.

First of all, as Catholics, of course we don’t agree with homosexuality. But I’m sure that’s obvious to even non-Catholics. There are many reasons why (biblical and biologically). However, there are so many aspects wrong about this advertisement and it saddens me deeply.

Two women attempting to proclaim that they are going to have a child is foolish. It is not biologically possible for two women to create a human being; even 6th grade sciences tells us that it takes the egg of a woman and they sperm of a man to create a human being. This is a fundamental truth. Thus because of this truth they cannot both be the child’s parents, only one. I believe this is common sense kind of knowledge.
The advertisement goes on to say “I hope the baby has Cat’s talent” while the other woman says “I hope it has her quick wit”. These lines are honestly was got me fired up in the first place. There is no possible way for that child to be like the non-biological mother because it doesn’t possess any of her DNA. Again, common sense.

As the commercial continues the ‘couple’ states that they wish to share their love of science for their baby because ‘there is so much reality that is amazing and awe-inspiring”. They also wanted their child to know “that anything is possible and that’s theres nothing wrong with and everything right with pursuing knowledge and learning about the world”.

Well, what isn’t possible is two people of the same sex having a baby. And they’re right, there is nothing wrong with pursuing knowledge. What knowledge and science will tell their child, if they looking up their facts correctly, is that being homosexual has negative health effects. Homosexuals are at the highest risk for sexually transmitted diseases. There is instability and promiscuity among homosexuals because there is no actual bond happening during their forms of sex. Homosexual pleasure is purely self pleasure, because their no way to actually united themselves. If you want to read more on the negative health effects of homosexuality here’s a very informative article from the Center for Marriage and Family Studies.

Man and woman have a way of bonding themselves and having fruit come from their love. A child is born through their intercourse. But what comes forth from the love of a two same sexed individuals? Nothing.

I have nothing against those who are attracted to the same sex. It breaks my heart to see people who don’t understand why acting sexually upon those desires has a negative side effect. So many diseases have came forth from these choices and has negatively impacted the world. It was one thing to be homosexual, but it another to act upon it. Heterosexuals are same way because they are not to have pre-marital sex and use one another’s bodies for their own pleasure either. The two do not have a ton of differences. It is not the sinner that Catholics try to goes against, it is their sins.

These woman obviously have not looked very deeply into science. Their actions and words deeply contradict themselves on so many levels. As a Catholic we can’t just simply sit back and let people believe that this kind of advertisement speaks the truth. The child being born should have both a mother and father to raise it.

Do you want more proof? Here are some other articles touching on the issue of homosexuality.

Why Homosexuality is not like other sins
Is This Loves? Surrogates, Same-sex couples, and motherless babies
How can the Church say homosexuality is unnatural when many animals exhibit homosexual instincts?
Did Christianity gives us Gay Marriage?

I know for some that homosexuality can be a touchy issue. The culture screams in our faces constantly that we are to be ‘accepting’ of their sexual preference and that if we are not that we are ‘discriminating’ them. These statements are not true in any way, shape, or form. There is proof that the lifestyle is non-beneficial. Whether or not others will see it is only up to God.

If you guys have any questions or maybe some discussion, I am open ears! I’d love to see your input on this topic!

EDIT 10/10/14
I believe I’ve found a video that perfectly represents the Catholic teaching on this issue. Watch it if you please! But I won’t be responding to any more comments on this post, mainly because this video explains it all. Also I’m a little tired of being attacked for a standpoint on an issue like this yet being told to accept their standpoint. I will delete any comments that I see as disrespecting (such as personally addressing me in the particular issue when I’m not the topic being discussed). Agree or don’t agree, it’s up to you! It doesn’t change the facts.

Til then. God bless!

– Carleigh

New Beginnings.


Hey guys!
Long time no blog, huh?
Life got a little hectic since school started. A lot of big changes have happened and it’s taking me a little awhile to get used to it. God is definitely working in my life and right now and I’ve having a bit of a hard time trying to decode all of his desires for me.

So, to put it simple, my boyfriend of almost 3 years and I broke up about a month ago. It was bit earth shaking moment to me because I was fairly certain he was the one I was suppose to be married to. But God had been pulling on his heart for awhile to follow His will, and after several days of meditation I finally accepted it. I decided to not fight against what God is calling him to do. And no, he’s not becoming a priest haha.

Sometimes what God wants for you isn’t really what you want to do. I’ve learned that over the past few weeks. I’ve also learned that what God wants for you is SO much better than you could ever imagine. I keep telling myself that when I’m having my rough moments. Right now, I can’t fully understand God’s plan for me. But that’s okay because I know I’m not the first one to struggle with that.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6

For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death. – Psalm 48:14

In my time of weak moments I am learning to rely more on the Lord everyday. Through this separation I’ve noticed that my relationship with God isn’t near as strong as it should be. I want Jesus Christ’s love to completely fill my heart and I want that love to glow so brightly that others can see it. I want to stable and secure myself down as a woman of Christ and in the past I haven’t been able to do that. I need to fall completely in love with Jesus Christ before I could even consider becoming a wife or mother…because I want to be the best wife or mother possible, and I can’t do that with a second rate version of myself.

Through all of this I’m learning to trust God and His plan. I’m learning to discover parts of myself that I like and don’t like. Aspects I want to change or improve. This journey has been tough, but honestly I’m happier this way. Plus, I’m pretty excited to see what God has in store of me.

I hope all of you guys are doing well. I’ll try to get back on track and regularly writing! Til then, God bless.

– Carleigh

Explaining the Catholic Faith to semi-curious Non-Catholics.

Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you, Reprove a wise man and he will love you. - Proverbs 9:8

Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you, Reprove a wise man and he will love you. – Proverbs 9:8

The other day during work I had a discussion of religion with a coworker. 

It had been awhile since someone had been asking me about questions concerning Catholicism. What was humorous about this discussion is that my coworker didn’t know I was Catholic til about half way through the conversation, haha!
I love it when people bash on Catholics in front of me without realizing my religion because I honestly just take it with a grain of salt. I used to be the same way (but let’s save that for another blog post!). The way I look at it, they bash and speak poorly about Catholics because they just really don’t fully understand how deep and touching the faith is. So, I try to explain and answer their questions to the best of my ability. 

What I noticed, however is that my coworker had several questions. She mentioned her curiousness about where one would be able to find out about praying to saints in the bible. So, with the best my memory could muster up, I attempted to answer her. (By the way, if you want to know why Catholics pray to saints there an article that explains why here.) When she got her answer, she seemed a little disgruntled. 
She asked a few other questions that I don’t remember. All I really got from our conversation what that she wasn’t ‘buying’ it. But there were other factors that were brought up that got me thinking a little deeper about her situation. 

There was something mentioned about how she hadn’t gone to church in 2 years because she didn’t enjoy the pastor and viewed him as someone who shouldn’t be in a higher position. Also the view she had of Martin Luther was, in my opinion, a little skewed. Like most protestants, she believed that if you just believe in Jesus Christ that you would be saved. But what struck me the most about our conversation is that even though she asked many questions she never fully accepted my answers for her. 

I’ve realized that over time that sometimes as Catholics we can fully explain and answer others in either detailed or simplified ways. I mean, we have a freaking reference book for our church! It is a book that is fully detailed and outlined every single aspect of our religion instituted by Jesus Christ himself! But sometimes people are just not going to accept your answers. Some people can question all they want and receive an answer they were asking for, but they are not open to fully accepting that answer because it doesn’t go along with their picture (whatever that may be).

I’m sorry, but no matter what your opinion is you can’t tell me that as a believer of Jesus Christ that He would build a faulty church. 

When people ask you the same questions over and over about the Catholic faith, don’t be short tempered with them. If they don’t accept your answer, it’s alright. At least they have enough questioning about it to even ask in the first place! It’s God trying to prepare them for something greater than themselves. It all starts with a question. It all starts with a desire to want to know the truth and we must be patience with others when doing so. It’s not always easy to be that way when others are kicking down your faith but that is why we must be strong! You can never go wrong with the truth of Jesus Christ by your side! 

Have you guys, as Catholics, realized this as well? Do you have any thoughts or suggestions about this? Let me know!

Til then. God bless! 

– Carleigh

What I Wore to Church: Sunday July 27th!


If you’ve ever looked around the blog networks typically you’ll see a ‘What I Wore’ segment on most beauty blogs. For me being a woman I really enjoy looking at these! They feed my inner desire to attempt to be fashionable, haha! But I like looking at them so much that I figured I’d start my own ‘What I Wore’ but do a sunday edition!

So here it is: What I Wore to Church!

I think there’s a problem in most parishes that people don’t know how to properly dress to go to mass. Especially in the summer, with the heat and all, people begin to either become skimpier with their clothing or they don’t dress up at all. Personally, I believe that when you go to the Lord’s house you should be properly dressed. Do you need to go all out? No. But should you be covered? Yes. I like I think of it as putting on your best, clean clothes. Don’t look like a pile of rags and don’t look like you’re going to work out if you don’t have to!

This is what I wore to my 6 o’clock mass.
image (7)

I don’t typically wear skirts. Pants are usually my friends but I decided to switch it up today! My inspiration came from Pinterest (obviously!)

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Here are the details about my clothes:
Shirt: Thrifted denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up, $3
Skirt: Purchased from Family Dollar, $11
Shoes: Payless brand, $10?
Belt: Deb, came from one of my other dresses
Jewelry: Saint Anne medal, gifted from the boyfriend 🙂

How do you think people should dress to go to church? Do you think some people show too much skin? Should churches tell their congregation about how to dress? Let me know!

Til then. God bless!

– Carleigh

Hail, Holy Queen by Scott Hahn book review.


Have you ever read Hail, Holy Queen written by Scott Hahn? 
You should. It’s simply amazing

Excuse the backwardness of the photo, haha!

Excuse the backwardness of the photo, haha!

I check out this book from my local library (and have yet to return it sssssh). I wanted to read a Scott Hahn book because I think he’s an amazing guy. I figured his books would be just as awesome as his discussion and recorded CD’s. I definitely wasn’t disappointed! This would the only Scott Hahn book my library carried, so quickly I checked it out. 

It took awhile for me to begin reading it, and I mainly read it during my adoration hours. It’s an wonderful explanation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and how she is most certainly our eternal Mother in Heaven. This book helped me realize just how pure and wholesome she is and how Jesus wants us to respect her just as he respects her. I have several moments of grace hit me while reading this book. As a Catholic I appreciate her, but this book has helped formed me to love her. 

The book explains with scripture why we should respect Mary. Hahn explains with the Old Testament and New Testament how Mary has really been there all along. Hahn beautifully explains her to all of us and I couldn’t not help write something about it! It was published back in 2001, so the book is about 13 years so it’s probably available in any local bookstore. You can purchase it on Amazon for $11 brand new (or a $1.33 from used!). 

The art on the cover of the book is gorgeous as well. 
jpegSo, small story short, I’m not going to go over highlights of this book because I really don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t read it! But there are several statements in this book that took me aback and made me say “WOW“. If you a Catholic looking for another good read, I recommend this! Hopefully you’ll find an appreciate for our Blessed Mother through this book like I did! 
And since this a post mentioning Mary, I figured I’d throw the Hail Mary in to the post (because why not? 🙂 ) 

Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with thee. Blessed are you amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Til then. God bless! 

– Carleigh