NYC Expert Last Lipstick: Coralista


WARNING: This blog post is definitely not Catholic related today! Haha! Sorry guys. But I do have some other Catholic centered blog posts ideas swirling around in my head, so don’t worry. 🙂

I really love reviewing products. I’m one of those people who won’t buy something unless I see that the product works for other people (for the most part). I tend to do a lot of research on the product before I buy it. Or I’ll buy something to try it out at the right price… a.k.a cheap, haha!

Today I have a little review on the NYC Expert Last Lipstick in the shade Coralista. I purchase this from my local WalMart for a $1.96 simply because I wanted to try a coral colored lip color. 
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 This lipstick has pretty good coverage. Do they stick to your lips? Yes. But they also rub off on anything and everything you eat as well. The color is nice, bright and bold, and it doesn’t take much to get full coverage! I noticed this coral went more towards the orangey side, but it wasn’t obnoxious in my opinion. It doesn’t dry out your lips.

Will it last 6 hours? No, probably not. I had to reapply some to get the bold color back after about 3 hours of wear. 

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This formula is a little bit creamier than most, which I’m going to assume is why they don’t dry out your lips too quickly. There is little to no shimmer in this color. The packaging is a little cheap. My particular lipstick has cuts in the stick of the product so I’m sometimes scared it’s going to fall out! But this isn’t the first time I’ve noticed that NYC has kind of…underrated packaging (my NYC concealer stick is the same way).

Overall, for under $2 I would say they’re decent! If you’re wanting to expand your horizons with lipstick shades to see what really works for you this would be a good brand to try that since NYC has a large selection of colors to choose from. 

What kind of lipsticks would you recommend to beginners who are experimenting with color? What’s your favorite drugstore brand of lip stick? Let me know in the comments! 

God bless!

– Carleigh

What I Wore to Church: Sunday July 27th!


If you’ve ever looked around the blog networks typically you’ll see a ‘What I Wore’ segment on most beauty blogs. For me being a woman I really enjoy looking at these! They feed my inner desire to attempt to be fashionable, haha! But I like looking at them so much that I figured I’d start my own ‘What I Wore’ but do a sunday edition!

So here it is: What I Wore to Church!

I think there’s a problem in most parishes that people don’t know how to properly dress to go to mass. Especially in the summer, with the heat and all, people begin to either become skimpier with their clothing or they don’t dress up at all. Personally, I believe that when you go to the Lord’s house you should be properly dressed. Do you need to go all out? No. But should you be covered? Yes. I like I think of it as putting on your best, clean clothes. Don’t look like a pile of rags and don’t look like you’re going to work out if you don’t have to!

This is what I wore to my 6 o’clock mass.
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I don’t typically wear skirts. Pants are usually my friends but I decided to switch it up today! My inspiration came from Pinterest (obviously!)

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Here are the details about my clothes:
Shirt: Thrifted denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up, $3
Skirt: Purchased from Family Dollar, $11
Shoes: Payless brand, $10?
Belt: Deb, came from one of my other dresses
Jewelry: Saint Anne medal, gifted from the boyfriend 🙂

How do you think people should dress to go to church? Do you think some people show too much skin? Should churches tell their congregation about how to dress? Let me know!

Til then. God bless!

– Carleigh

Hail, Holy Queen by Scott Hahn book review.


Have you ever read Hail, Holy Queen written by Scott Hahn? 
You should. It’s simply amazing! 

Excuse the backwardness of the photo, haha!

Excuse the backwardness of the photo, haha!

I check out this book from my local library (and have yet to return it sssssh). I wanted to read a Scott Hahn book because I think he’s an amazing guy. I figured his books would be just as awesome as his discussion and recorded CD’s. I definitely wasn’t disappointed! This would the only Scott Hahn book my library carried, so quickly I checked it out. 

It took awhile for me to begin reading it, and I mainly read it during my adoration hours. It’s an wonderful explanation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and how she is most certainly our eternal Mother in Heaven. This book helped me realize just how pure and wholesome she is and how Jesus wants us to respect her just as he respects her. I have several moments of grace hit me while reading this book. As a Catholic I appreciate her, but this book has helped formed me to love her. 

The book explains with scripture why we should respect Mary. Hahn explains with the Old Testament and New Testament how Mary has really been there all along. Hahn beautifully explains her to all of us and I couldn’t not help write something about it! It was published back in 2001, so the book is about 13 years so it’s probably available in any local bookstore. You can purchase it on Amazon for $11 brand new (or a $1.33 from used!). 

The art on the cover of the book is gorgeous as well. 
jpegSo, small story short, I’m not going to go over highlights of this book because I really don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t read it! But there are several statements in this book that took me aback and made me say “WOW“. If you a Catholic looking for another good read, I recommend this! Hopefully you’ll find an appreciate for our Blessed Mother through this book like I did! 
And since this a post mentioning Mary, I figured I’d throw the Hail Mary in to the post (because why not? 🙂 ) 

Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with thee. Blessed are you amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Til then. God bless! 

– Carleigh

Defending The Faith.


As Catholics we are constantly challenged by the world to prove ourselves and our Church. When starting this blog it never hit me that I would have to actually do this. Defend and protect. It is called in our sacrament of confirmation to do this but I was unsure if God would ever really throw those challenges in my direction. None the less, He seemed to throw a curve ball my way!

When publishing my first post, my introduction, I received a comment. The e-mail popped up in my account and I was apprehensive whether to approve it or not. I’m one not to shelter away from opinions, so I thought I’d make a whole blog post about it! The comment went like this (word for word, I may add):

“well if your touting cataholic dogmas on your blog,, then i seriously doubt as to whether there will in fact be anything useful on your blog at all,, except to those that are just as deceived as you are..!!”

Upon reading this several thoughts jumbled into my head.

  1. I wonder why this person disagrees with the Catholic faith?
  2. I’m fairly sure I am not deceived by anything.
  3. The term ‘useful’ is always left up to the opinion of the person.

It does not bother me that this user has their opinion and wishes to speak their mind online. In fact, I am always open to discussion of Catholicism and I’m glad they felt comfortable enough to leave a comment! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and each opinion should be respected in it’s own way. However, there is only one truth. As Catholics we are not trying to convince anyone or trying to persuade them into converting, we are only informing. That is our job as Catholics and this is what God calls us to do (Mark 16:15).

If you don’t believe in God, that’s fine. If you do and don’t agree with Catholic teachings, that’s fine as well. Catholics, however, are not going to stop just because of this. We will continue to preach to non-believers and believers alike because that is what Jesus Christ instructed that we do.
Believe it or not, Catholics are suppose to evangelize as well.
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? – Romans 10:14

We as Catholics can defend our faith in many ways. With the Catechism of the Catholic Church (which is all scripture sited, by the way), the Bible, and historical accounts. People may try to persuade me otherwise but because of the amount of proof the Catholic Church has it was the main reason that I decided to convert!

Here is a really informational video from Catholic Answers that I found that I think would be helpful to other Catholics.

If you’re a Catholic who actively has to defend the Church, you are in my prayers! We need more people who will stand up and correctly inform others of our beliefs! And do not give up!

“There are not more than 100 people in the world who truly hate the Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they perceive to be the Catholic Church.” – Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

God bless!

– Carleigh

Hello & Welcome!


Hi guys! 


This is my friend Paige (on the left) & I! She’s pretty awesome.

Let me introduce myself… I’m Carleigh and this is my blog: The Thrifty Catholic! I’m so glad you could stumble upon my blog and hopefully you’ll be able to obtain some useful information on here! 
This blog will kind of be a cluster of things ranging from religion, lifestyle, reviews, and other miscellaneous things going on in my life. So, in a sense, this blog represents myself. 

But first, here are 10 facts about myself. 

  1. I converted to Catholicism over the past year of my life. I came home to the Church and was finally baptism, confirmed, and had my first communion on April 19th, 2014. God is great! 
  2. I am a college student majoring in Communications (currently) and my goal is to work for some sort of non-profit organization! Fingers crossed! 
  3. I really love reviewing products and giving my opinion on things. Like, a lot. 
  4. My favorite bible verse is 2 Timothy 1:7. For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline.
  5. I am left handed! 
  6. I adore thrift shopping and getting really good deals! I am a bit frugal but I love shopping, so thrifting suits me very well! 
  7. My nail polish collection is HUGE. Well, in my opinion it’s huge. I would say I’m happily addicted to nail polish. 
  8. Fall is my favorite season. I love being bundled up in a scarf and throwing on a cardigan! Call me old lady-like, but I can’t help it. 
  9. I am apart of Sigma Alpha Iota. It is a international music fraternity for women. If you’re apart of it, contact me! I’d love to get in touch with a fellow SAI sister! Vita brevis ars longa! 
  10. I long to become a catechist for the Catholic Church. I love to inform people about our beautiful faith and how much meaning Jesus put into His Church. Hopefully I will be able to become one soon! 

That seems to be all for now. I am very excited to see what entries this blog entails! I’ll try to update and post frequently. Til then, God bless! 

– Carleigh